Monday, March 10, 2008


Well I have finally gotten back to this after procrastinating for most of last week. Study was the last thing I wanted to do when I got home and had finished running after the kids. I am generally a late night studier and hopefully this will be the case with some of my fellow students.

I have been having trouble with the blog thing as I am not good at putting my thoughts out there to the masses. I always worry I will say the wrong thing!!! The irony of this is is that when I implemented a '23 things' project in our library last year, it was blogs that the staff started to keep track of their learning. But I never did it myself :-)

I have worked in the UCOL Library for nearly 4 years now. I started doing computer support when I was doing my ICT degree and was asked to look after the IT & Electronic services when I completed my degree. The library was then asked to implement Moodle @ UCOL and this is where my involvement with eLearning began. Although this was never a road I intended to go down I find it all fascinating and am enjoying helping to make learning a better experience for our students.

What do I hope to get out of this course? A better understanding of what makes a great course. I guess this is the one skill that I lack with not coming from a teaching background. I have had a few ideas for an evaluation project, but have not yet made a definite decision on this as yet.


Bronwyn hegarty said...

good on you donna. here is a suggestion, if you are feeling shky about writing to the masses. perhaps write to a document on your computer and then put summaries on your blog. you may also feel more comfortable once you get into the weekly schedule and delve into the weekly questions, activities and readings.

This is a great start to your blog for the course. when thinking about ideas for an evaluation project, you might like to look at som of the issues which impact on learning with regard to your work area.

Yvonne said...

Hi Donna

If it makes you feel any better I have the same wobbles about writing to my blog. The last paper I studied involved a blog and by the end I got a bit more comfortable with it. But even now I start a blog post on a Monday and possibly don't publish it till the weekend as I faff about with it for fear of writing something pointless or rubbish :) In the end I suppose it doesn't really matter as I can always go back and edit it!! LOL ;)

Good luck with the next post.



Donna said...

Thanks for the support!!! As you can see I have not been very active on the blog, but am going to make more of an effort now. Its much easier to hide in the background you know!!!

Bronwyn hegarty said...

It surprises me Yvonne that you are not comfortable with using a blog as you post such interesting and thoughtful discussions. I am glad you put on a brave face.

What can we entice you out of hiding with Donna? good to see you dipping your toes in the swamp :]