Monday, May 12, 2008

Playing catchup ...

I have to admit that I have struggled with study over the last month or so. Just like everyone else, the ever increasing workload of the day job takes up more time than it should. With Moodle being web based it is even easier for me carry on working at home.
I have now got new resolve to catch up and complete the course. Moodle will have to go back to the hours of 8 - 5 ... I have an evaluation plan to come up with :-)

Week four: Evaluation paradigms and models

I have to agree with Jennifer on this one and have had a bit of trouble getting my head round it. There has been many times I have read the same line over and over again. Your analogy helps too Bronwyn, so thanks.

Thanks Gordon for taking the time and laying it out in an easier to understand format ... much easier :-)

This was so structured that it really appealed to my 'black and white' way of thinking. I like it when things are one way or the other and not some grey mass that does not make sense to me. But is it so structured that the outcomes are not reliable?

Eclectic-Mixed Methods-Pragmatic
I like this one but struggled to get the thoughts out of my head and onto the blog. I found a great description of the paradigms here.

In regards to this paradigm, taking the best bits from the other paradigms has to be a good thing doesn't it?

And so to sleep .......